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Basic Syntax In ErgoScript

Completion Status
Version: 1st Version
Written by: LGD
val bool: Boolean = true

What’s going on here?

val - A keyword used to create a basic, immutable, value of any type

bool - The name used for the value created

: Boolean - Specifying the type of the value, this is not always necessary, but does make code more understandable

= true - We are setting our Boolean value bool equal to true

ErgoScript is strongly typed, you should always know what types you are dealing with

Learn to think in true and false statements, booleans (More specifically, Sigma Propositions) are the core of every ErgoScript contract

More ErgoScript Syntax Examples:

  if(bool == true){
val x = 0
val y = 1
val z = ((x * y) + 5) - (3 / 2)
val x = 2L
val y: Coll[Long] = Coll(0L, 1L, x) // You can build collections of elements
val z: (Long, Long) = (3, 4)
val a: (Long, Coll[Long]) = (x, y) // Build complex types by layering together pairs and colls
val b: Coll[((Long, Long), Boolean)] = Coll(((2L, 4L), true), ((7L, 2L), false))

ErgoScript is based off of Scala, which means we have some standard functional programming methods and syntax

  val myMap: Coll[(Int, Long)] = {      // Wrap this val statement into a function that returns a collection of integers paired with longs
val intCollection = Coll(0, 1, 2){ // Use the map function, a standard FP method that iterates through the entire
(myInt: Int) => // collection and inputs each element through a function to return a collection of outputs.
(myInt, myInt.toLong) // We represent our mapping function using a Lambda expression, we define the
// parameter to be the element of our collection (an Int), then use the
// arrow operator (=>) in order to show how our parameter maps to an output.
} // We do not need to specify the return value with a keyword

Def vs Val?

def computeAsDef(myInt: Int): Int = {
myInt + 1

val computeAsVal: Int = {
(myInt: Int) =>
myInt + 1

The above statements do the exact same thing. The difference is that val statements are calculated when the script initializes itself to be run. def statements are instead calculated whenever the call is made. In most instances, you will likely use val statements

Sigma Propositions

Sigma Propositions are the core of every single ErgoScript contract SigmaProps represent some conditions about the transaction that must be met in order to spend a certain box. They are quite similar to booleans, in that they may be reduced into two values, true or false. SigmaProps enable the usage of Zero-Knowledge Proofs, an important part of modern-day cryptography and one of the defining features of Ergo in terms of its privacy

All contracts in ErgoScript return a Sigma Proposition at the very end. This SigmaProp represents the conditions needed to spend the box protected by your contract. For this reason, all the code you make within an ErgoScript contract should affect the outcome of your Sigma Proposition in some way.

SigmaProps come in a few different forms, but there are two main ways you will see them in ErgoScript contracts.

SigmaProps From Booleans

You may create SigmaProps from booleans using the sigmaProp function. This allows you to define arbitrary spending conditions for any contract.

val mathIsHard: Boolean = (1 + 1) != 2
sigmaProp(mathIsHard) // SigmaProp created from a boolean using the sigmaProp function
// What would this contract evaluate to?

SigmaProps From Public Keys

Public Keys (Essentially, the part of your address that makes it different from everyone else's) are also SigmaProps. When a public key is passed as a SigmaProp, your contract checks whether or not the given PK is the one that signed the transaction You may think of signing a transaction, as quite literally signing it with your signature to prove that the transaction was authorized by you.

// You can use the PK function to
// hardcode an address's public key into your contract
val myPK: SigmaProp = PK("9etXmP7D3ZkWssDopWcWkCPpjn22RVuEyXoFSbVPWAvvzDbcDXE")


SigmaProp Operations

Much like booleans, you may use logical operations on SigmaProps in order to build more complex spending logic for your contract

val enoughERG = INPUTS(0).value > 1000000
val myPK = PK("9etXmP7D3ZkWssDopWcWkCPpjn22RVuEyXoFSbVPWAvvzDbcDXE")

sigmaProp(enoughERG) || myPK // What does this contract do? Under what conditions could such a contract be spent?

You can see in the above contract that usage of || actually creates two spending paths for the given contract.

Now you've seen the basics, for the end of this section, lets look at a simple ErgoScript contract, the pin-lock we mentioned earlier

Pin-lock Contract

sigmaProp( INPUTS(0).R4[Coll[Byte]].get == blake2b256(OUTPUTS(0).R4[Coll[Byte]].get) )

Don't worry if you don't understand the functions used here, these are global functions that we will get into the next section. What's happening here is this:

We may spend Input 0 of this transaction if and only if there exists an output whose R4 (register 4) contains the hash of the collection of bytes found in R4 of the Input. This contract refers to itself as INPUTS(0), for a more clear example, look at the following, where the box being spent refers to itself within its own contract:

Pin-lock Contract (with SELF)

sigmaProp( SELF.R4[Coll[Byte]].get == blake2b256(OUTPUTS(0).R4[Coll[Byte]].get) )

Are these two contracts equivalent? That is, are there any spending conditions that exist in which one contract could evaluate to true, and one could evaluate to false?

Technical Knowledge

The Blockchain Context

The Blockchain Context represents data taken from the transaction and the state of the blockchain. The data for the blockchain context is stored in the global object CONTEXT. CONTEXT, therefore, contains the main entities that you will interact with to manipulate your contract’s spending conditions.


An integer representing the height of the current block is to be validated by miners. The number can be accessed using HEIGHT.


SELF represents the current eUTxO input box which holds the ErgoScript contract. The SELF box is of type Box, which contains information relevant to the specified eUTXO such as:

the value in nanoERGs; the box id; the proposition bytes of the guarding script for this eUTXO, the tokens stored in the box; and the box registers.


The eUTxOs are used as input boxes to be spent in the transaction. The boxes are stored in a collection and can be accessed using the object called INPUTS. The SELF box is part of this input box collection.

Data Inputs

Data inputs are input eUTXOs that are not spent in the transaction. They serve as ‘read-only’ boxes, usually holding information necessary for the spending conditions of the contract. Data inputs can be accessed using CONTEXT.dataInputs.


The output box eUTXOs will be created from the transaction. The collection can be accessed using the OUTPUTS object.


Block headers (Parts of each block that hold information representing the block) are available through the CONTEXT.headers function. The headers function returns a collection holding the last 10 block headers present before the current HEIGHT. Using this function allows your contract to gain insight into the most recent blocks that occurred before the transaction that your contract is being executed in. Each Header object in the collection returned by headers holds a variety of different information, much of this information pertains to the block miner, such as the miner’s PK, the nonce used to find the block, and the votes the miner submitted when the block was mined.


The CONTEXT.preHeader function gives your contract access to the PreHeader. The PreHeader object represents all of the information available to miners who are working to find the next block. Because each block miner must insert their own information to properly mine a block, the data contained within each PreHeader object is completely different depending on who mines the block. This means that your contract could execute differently depending on who ends up mining the block that spends your contract’s box.


// Don't worry about the fields accessed in our CONTEXT data, we will go more in depth
// in the next section. Instead focus on how we are accessing this data and then using
// using it in our contract.
val selfAtZero = == INPUTS(0).id
val boxAmountToAdd: Long = CONTEXT.dataInputs(0).R4[Long].get // Get's a long from R4
val amountAddedInOutputs = OUTPUTS(0).value == SELF.value + boxAmountToAdd
val heightIsValid: Boolean = HEIGHT > 700000
val randomValueIsEven: Boolean = CONTEXT.headers(0).powNonce(0) % 2 == 0

sigmaProp(amountAddedInOutputs && selfAtZero)
|| sigmaProp(heightIsValid && randomValueIsEven)

Boxes and Registers

Boxes are the main entity used to hold ERG according to the eUTXO model. Registers are pieces of data that can be attached to any box. They allow your contract to store data and incorporate it into transactions at a later point. There are 4 mandatory registers present within each box in the Ergo blockchain, these registers describe information that is necessary for a box to exist and be valid. Besides the mandatory registers, there are 5 additional registers that may store arbitrary data. This data could be obtained both off-chain and on-chain and allows you to incorporate more data when creating the spending conditions for your contract.


Contains the monetary value of the box in nanoERGs. This register is accessed using Box.value, where Box could represent either SELF or one of the boxes in the INPUTS or OUTPUTS collection.


Contains the collection of proposition bytes of the guarding ErgoScript contract for the box. It is accessed using Box.propositionBytes.


Contains a collection of the tokens stored in the box. A token contains is represented by two pieces of information: the unique token id; and the amount of the specified token. The collection is accessed using Box.tokens.


Contains information about the box’s creation such as: the transaction id from which the box was created as an output; the outputs index of the box (i.e. the index used in OUTPUTS); and the creation height of the block of the transaction from which the box came from. This collection is accessed using Box.creationInfo. The height referenced here is used as part of Ergo’s unique storage rent feature, where boxes may be spent after 4 years so that miners may take some fee and recycle ERG back into the blockchain.

R4 - R9

Contains arbitrary data that is set whenever the box is first outputted from a transaction. This data may essentially be any type commonly found in ErgoScript, along with more complex types built from Pairs and Collections. Registers may also store more complex types such as Box, SigmaProp, GroupElement, and AVLTree.

Other Box Functions

Outside of the registers themselves, each box has a specific identification hash that may be referenced using the id function. Box ids are formed by taking the blake2b256 hash of the boxes content as a Coll[Byte] . You may directly reference the un-hashed collection of bytes representing a box using the bytes function. Keep in mind that each box’s content and id are cryptographically unique, meaning that no two boxes within the blockchain may have the same id or content bytes. This is achieved due to the inclusion of creationInfo within each box, as transaction ids and associated output indexes are all values that must be unique to a given UTXO. You may use the bytesWithoutRef function to return a Coll[Byte] that does not contain such information.


val valueMultiplier = SELF.R4[Int].get
val tokenMultiplier = INPUTS(1).R4[Int].get

if( == INPUTS(0).id){
val outputValue = OUTPUTS(0).value == SELF.value * valueMultiplier
val outputTokens = OUTPUTS(0).tokens(0)._2 == SELF.value * tokenMultiplier
sigmaProp(outputValue && outputTokens)
val outputGoesToCheese = {
== OUTPUTS(0).propositionBytes

Global Functions

There are a variety of global functions available to use in ErgoScript. Here we will go through some of the most commonly used functions, (besides sigmaProp). A complete reference for all global functions and types may be found in the ErgoScript LangSpec .

Logical Functions

Logical functions describe global functions used on booleans. These functions of course include operators such as && and ||, but the following commonly used functions also exist.


The allOf function takes a collection booleans and returns a boolean indicating whether or not all of the given booleans within the collection evaluate to true. It is equivalent to inserting && between each boolean in the collection.


The anyOf function takes a collection of booleans and returns a boolean indicating whether or not at least one boolean within the entire collection evaluates to true. It is equivalent to inserting || between each boolean in the collection.


The xorOf function takes a collection of booleans and applies the XOR operation between each boolean within the collection. Therefore, the xorOf function returns true if an odd number of booleans within the collection evaluate to true. It returns false if an even number of booleans within the collection evaluate to true.

Zero-Knowledge Functions

Zero Knowledge functions are functions that may be used to evaluate SigmaProps with Zero-Knowledge needed to verify the truth of the SigmaProps given.


The atLeast function takes an integer k and a collection of SigmaProps and returns whether k SigmaProps within the collection evaluate to true. All SigmaProps are evaluated with zero knowledge.


The ZKProof function takes a block of code and evaluates all operations within the code with zero-knowledge scoping. This may be useful if some operations within your contract must be kept private. The code block used must not use any boolean operations to ensure zero-knowledge, and the entire block must evaluate into a single root SigmaProp.

Cryptographic Functions

Cryptographic functions are functions related to cryptography. Such functions include hashing, and calculation over GroupElement values.


blake2b256 takes a Coll[Byte] and returns a new Coll[Byte] hashed according to the Blake2b256 algorithm. The Blake2b256 algorithm is the main hashing algorithm used within Ergo. It is also incorporated as a part of the Autolykos PoW algorithm used to mine Ergo.


sha256 takes a Coll[Byte] and returns a new Coll[Byte] hashed according to the SHA256 hashing function.


decodePoint takes a Coll[Byte] representing a Group Element and converts it into the GroupElement type.


proveDHTuple takes four GroupElement values and constructs them into a public key represented by a SigmaProp according to the Diffie-Hellman signature protocol. This is useful for creating shared public keys in MultiSig and Ring Signature settings.


proveDlog takes a GroupElement and creates a public key represented by a SigmaProp.

Compile-Time Functions

Compile-Time functions are not evaluated during the spending of the script, instead these functions are used when compiling an ErgoScript contract into the native ErgoTree language. These functions all take Strings (which is not an actual ErgoScript type) and then convert these strings into some ErgoScript type during contract compilation. These values are stored directly within the contract and cannot change once the contract has been compiled.


Two functions, fromBase64 and fromBase58 take Strings of their respective base and convert them into a Coll[Byte] at compile time.


The PK function takes an address string (which is actually just a base58 encoded GroupElement with a network identifier prefix) and converts it into a SigmaProp public key at compile time. This is actually done using many of the functions listed above.


The deserialize[T] function takes a type parameter T along with a base58 encoded String of binary data. The String value is converted into some value with ErgoScript type T at compile time.

Other Functions



The substConstants function has the following signature:

def substConstants[T](scriptBytes: Coll[Byte],
positions: Coll[Int], newValues: Coll[T]): Coll[Byte]

getVar[T] takes type parameter T along with some integer tag and returns some Context Variable with the given type that is associated with the given tag. Context Variables are specific off-chain variables that may be attached to any box at the time of transaction creation. Context variables allow for robust changes for certain parameters within your contract. It is especially useful for providing generic contracts that rely on off-chain information which may change between different spending transactions.

It allows a contract to construct another contract’s propositional bytes using the given parameters. Because a contract’s address is created using its contents, inputting different constants within a contract can change it’s address(and therefore, the contract itself). This function allows for a contract of the same “template” to be created using a new set of constants. In order to be used properly, one must provide a sample of the contract’s propositional bytes(parameter scriptBytes), along with the positions at which certain constants of type T must be replaced with the values in the newValues parameter.

Example: Alcohol Sale Proxy Contract

// ====== Alcohol Sale Proxy Contract Example ====== //

// Hard-coded constants expected at compile time are written in UpperCamelCase.

// license = INPUTS(0)
// buyerProxyInputs = INPUTS - INPUTS(0)
// storeBox = OUTPUTS(0)
// provincialSalesTaxBox = OUTPUTS(1)
// federalSalesTaxBox = OUTPUTS(2)
// buyerWalletBox = OUTPUTS(3)
// minerFeeBox = OUTPUTS(4)
// (*) Note:
// 1. Mining fee box is always the last box in the set of OUTPUTS of a transaction,
// I am just showing this for clarity, but it will not be accessed in this contract.
// 2. If there is any that change remains in the proxy,
// it is sent back to the buyer wallet.

// Contract variables
val buyerPK: SigmaProp = PK(buyerPKString)
val buyerProxyInputs: Coll[Box] = INPUTS.filter({ (input: Box) => input.propositionBytes == SELF.propositionBytes })
val buyerAmount: Long = buyerProxyInputs.fold(0L)({ (input: Box, acc: Long) => acc + input.value })
val provincialSalesTax: Long = (AlcoholSaleAmount * ProvincialSalesTaxNum) / ProvincialSalesTaxDenom
val federalSalesTax: Long = (AlcoholSaleAmount * FederalSalesTaxNum) / FederalSalesTaxDenom
val totalCost: Long = AlcoholSaleAmount + provincialSalesTax + federalSalesTax + MinerFee

// Variables associated with the buyer's license
val license = INPUTS(0)
val id = license.R4[Coll[Byte]].get
val name = license.R5[Coll[Byte]].get
val bDay = license.R6[Coll[Byte]].get
val address = license.R7[Coll[Byte]].get
val expDate = license.R8[Coll[Byte]].get

// Context variables needed for the proxy contract, assuming they are provided correctly
val licenseTemplateContractBytes = getVar[Coll[Byte]](0).get

// Substitute the constants of the license template contract bytes
// and create the new contract bytes for the buyer's license
val newLicenseContractBytes = {

// New positions
val newPositions_SigmaProp: Coll[Int] = Coll(0)
val newPositions_Coll_Byte: Coll[Int] = Coll(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

// New constants
val newConstants_SigmaProp: Coll[SigmaProp] = Coll(buyerPK)
val newConstants_Coll_Byte: Coll[Byte] = Coll(id, name, bDay, address, expDate)

// New contract bytes with substituted buyer PK
val newContractBytes_SigmaProp = substConstants(licenseTemplateContractBytes, newPositions_SigmaProp, newConstants_SigmaProp)

// New contract bytes with substituted buyer license information
val newContractBytes_Coll_Byte = substConstants(newContractBytes_SigmaProp, newPositions_Coll_Byte, newConstants_Coll_Byte)
val newContractBytes = newContractBytes_Coll_Byte


// Check for a valid sale
val validSale = {

// Check for a valid license
val validLicense = {
BuyerLicenseContractBytes == newLicenseContractBytes,
license.propositionBytes == newLicenseContractBytes

// Check for a valid proxy amount
val validProxyAmount = {
buyerAmount >= totalAmount

// Check for a valid store
val validStore = {
val storeBox = OUTPUTS(0)
storeBox.propBytes == StoreBoxPropositionBytes

// Check for valid sales taxes
val validSalesTaxes = {

// Check for a valid provincial tax
val validProvincialSalesTax = {
val provincialSalesTaxBox = OUTPUTS(1)
(provincialSalesTaxBox.propositionBytes == ProvincialSalesTaxPK),
(provincialSalesTaxBox.value >= provincialSalesTax)

// Check for a valid federal tax
val validFederalSalesTax = {
val federalSalesTaxBox = OUTPUTS(2)
(federalSalesTaxBox.propositionBytes == FederalSalesTaxPK),
(federalSalesTaxBox.value >= federalSalesTax)

// Demand that both sales taxes are valid


// Check for a valid buyer wallet to return any change
val validBuyerWallet = {
if (buyerAmount > totalCost) {
val buyerWalletBox = OUTPUTS(3)
buyerWalletBox.propositionBytes == buyerPK.propBytes
} else {

// Demand that all the conditions are valid


// Check for a valid refund
val validRefund = {
val refundWalletBox = OUTPUTS(0)
(refundWalletBox.propositionBytes == buyerPK.propBytes),
(refundWalletBox.value >= buyerAmount - MinerFee)

// Obtain the appropriate sigma proposition


Helpful article:

  1. Ergo Lang Spec