📄️ Chill n Learn 1. Knowledge - Scalability Basics
Imagine using an application, and you are forced to wait for 1 hour before you can proceed to use the main function of it. That is bad service and bad user experience.
📄️ Chill n Learn 2. Knowledge - Security Basics
Imagine you put all your money into a bank. And the next day, it got robbed and you lose all your money. As crypto is tightly tied to a person's wellbeing. You wouldn't want to put your coins in a faulty dApp protocol. That being said, you don't want to build a faulty dApp protocol filled with security issues and lose the confidence of your customers.
📄️ Chill n Learn 3. Knowledge - Modular Guard Scripts
Imagine if you have a remote control. Wouldnt it be cool if it can be utilized to control multiple things? Like changing the radio channel to channel one, or changing the tv channel to channel ten. All using the same remote control.